Going Through A Change

Going through a change, can be stressful, challenging and sometimes even crazy. It can seem like your life is over, and truly when you go though transforming events... it can seem that way.

REMEMBER who you really are, and tap into that energy. You are never alone. God/Source/Divine and support of Guides/Teachers/Angels are always around you and available to you. Remember to ASK for help and then be willing to ALLOW that assistance. Take time to breathe. Slow. Deep. Repeatedly. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. Reach out and ask for help, from a friend or family, or co-worker or clergy... Go out in nature. Allow nature to absorb the stress or excess of what is going on. All of these things will help you to FEEL BETTER.

Remember, you are important too. Take time for yourself!

Aloha, peace and blessings
Lillian/Alexandria (540) 588-0788

Cocoons Butterflies