Mediumship & Channeling

Lotus and LightMediumship provides answers by tapping into the channel of information coming from or Source or God to provide information, either proving continuity of life or providing information and encouragement.

Channeling:  Lillian has been channeling for most of her life.  She does her own personal work to keep herself as a clear channel for the information from Source/God that is coming through her.  She provides answers by tapping into this channel/vibration of information coming from or Source/God.  The goal is to provide clear and relevant information which applies to either your question, proving continuity of life or providing support and encouragement.

Do you have questions you have always wanted the answers to?  Or are you struggling with a situation? Or have you lost a family member or friend you want to check on and make sure that they are okay?  All of these are good reasons to request a session.